Trezor Suite App (Official)

Trezor Suite is the official desktop and web interface for managing your Trezor device. It allows you to securely manage your cryptocurrency assets, initiate …

How to Login to Trezor Suite

  1. Access the Trezor website at and click on "Trezor Suite" in the top menu.

  2. Connect your Trezor hardware wallet to your computer via USB.

  3. Launch the Trezor Suite application.

  4. Enter your PIN code on your Trezor device to unlock it.

  5. If using a passphrase, enter it on your computer when prompted.

  6. You will now be logged in to Trezor Suite and can manage your crypto assets.

Using Trezor Suite

  • Trezor Suite provides a user-friendly interface to send, receive, buy, sell and exchange cryptocurrencies.

  • You can view real-time balances, transaction history and market data for your entire portfolio.

  • The app supports over 1,800 different coins and tokens, making it a versatile solution.

  • Advanced features include staking, coinjoin privacy, and Tor support.

Latest Trezor Suite Update

The September 2023 update (version 23.9.1) brought the following improvements:

  • Simplified Bitcoin-only firmware user interface

  • Independent coinjoin account discovery

  • Sepolia testnet support for Ethereum

  • Bug fixes and improved behavior when passphrases are disabled

To get the latest update, simply open Trezor Suite and follow the on-screen instructions. Updates roll out in stages, so you may not be prompted immediately.

In summary, Trezor Suite is the official companion app for managing your crypto assets with Trezor hardware wallets. It provides a secure and user-friendly interface with a wide range of features to meet all your cryptocurrency needs. Regular updates enhance the app's functionality and user experience.

Last updated